Company story and Vision

We are four ambitious youth invested in unlocking our motherland Sri Lanka’s immense economic potential, not merely as beneficiaries of prosperity but as drivers and pioneers actively cultivating success. Our shared vision propels the establishment of Thrive Ceylon and its mission to helm Ceylon cinnamon exports, integrating smallholder farmers into highly lucrative global value chains sustaining equitable livelihoods.

Despite enduring a three-decade civil war, the 2004 tsunami, the 2019 Easter bombings and the recent economic crisis, Sri Lanka has each time emerged more resolute than before. We embody this defining spirit of resilience in our enterprise, tackling challenges through the collective expertise of our handpicked team and stakeholders to surpass established objectives. By integrating international trade at the grassroots, connecting rural cinnamon cultivators with multinational networks, we uplift marginalized communities historically denied lucrative opportunities for advancement.

Through determination to overcome imposing hurdles, we provide a platform for inclusive participation in cinnamon’s immense yet untapped export capacities. Building partnerships from the ground up, we drive Sri Lanka beyond economic constraint into an era of shared prosperity benefitting all echelons of society. Our enterprise harbors ambition not merely for commercial success but for nationalist contribution to our country’s post-crisis revival through trade empowerment and social responsibility.

Commitment to fair trade and Sustainability

At Thrive Ceylon, we speak not just the language of commerce, but the whispers of the wind through ancient cinnamon groves and the vibrant stories of our community. We are driven by a fire, fueled by the desire to lift lives and nourish the very earth that sustains us.

Our commitment to fair trade is more than a label, it’s a sacred vow. We walk hand-in-hand with our farmers, ensuring their sweat yields not just fragrant riches, but fair wages and a brighter future. Their smiles, etched with the wisdom of generations, are our most precious currency.

Sustainability isn’t just a trend, it’s the rhythm of our heartbeat. We tread lightly on the land, nurturing the soil with organic practices, embracing eco-friendly technologies, and listening to the whispers of nature. Every cinnamon quill we export carries with it the promise of a thriving planet, a legacy we will leave for generations to come.

Thrive Ceylon is more than just a business; it’s a bridge, connecting the world to the heart of Sri Lanka, its people, and its precious bounty. Join us on this journey, where every purchase becomes a story woven with passion, purpose, and a future brimming with hope. Let’s create a world where commerce nourishes not just pockets, but souls and our shared planet.